Equipment & Software
State-of-the-art Solutions for Testing and Analysis

Engenuity has remained at the cutting edge of material testing and engineering analysis by solving problems with innovative and practical solutions. We have commercially available solutions to:
– Understand the behaviour of random discontinuous composite materials using FiRMA
– Predict composite performance during crash using CZone
– Make your lab run more efficiently using LMS and DIC
– Bring dynamic testing in-house with our Drop tower and Crush fixture
– Printer for Automated Panel Marking
Our solutions are available to purchase or license and we offer world class support to get you up and running.
Contact us now and learn how we can improve your laboratory

Material Characterisation
FiRMA (Failure in Random Material Architectures) design and analysis software allows structural components to be made using chopped and recycled material with confidence, whilst maintaining weight saving potential.

CZone Composite Crush Prediction
Engenuity’s CZone is a predictive analysis tool for composite crush. By removing non-physical variables, CZone reduces the amount of physical testing required for correlation, minimizing the cost and time required to develop crash structures.

Engenuity LMS – Laboratory Management System
Honed for years in the state-of-the-art Engenuity test lab, the Engenuity LMS is a complete management solution for your material testing to generate better results, easier, faster and more reliable.

Equipment for Dynamic Testing
Engenuity has developed a range of equipments for Dynamic Testing for Energy Absorbing Composites. Our composite crush test fixtures and our bespoke 4.6 kJ Drop Tower can be custom-designed for high energy, accuracy & speed. Custom hardware & software available to process data and speed up coupon preparation.

DIC – Optical Strain Measurement
Engenuity has developed a range of DIC (Digital Image Correlation) hardware and software solutions for 2D and 3D strain mapping. Including our temperature controlled cameras that allow large area strain recovery from multiple angles during environmental testing.

Printer for Automated Panel Marking
Used for Automated coupon marking including DIC speckle, QR racking codes and cutting guides. The printer is easily configured with our LMS eradicating mistakes when marking up.
Our network of experienced sales engineers at Engenuity are happy to assist you with any question on the use of these equipments. With over 30 years of experience, our team will find the configuration that will perfectly fit your needs.

Contact us now and learn how we can help you improve your Laboratory